Monday, August 3, 2009


Every year, we visit Jerome Idaho. Both of my parents were raised in Jerome, and some of my grandparents as well. My paternal grandmother still lives here in the home where my dad grew up. We always stay with grandma and hear great stories about the life she lived. It is a fun trip!

Three generations! My sister, dad, grandma, and I. Jason talked me into wearing his cowboy hat for the pictures!

Our first stop was Shoshone falls. We come visit the falls almost every trip to Jerome. It is beautiful, and LOUD. I will admit..nothing beats the grandeur of Niagara Falls.

Banbury's is a pool located very close to a hot spring in Idaho. We always came here when we were children visiting grandma and grandpa. It was so fun to bring my own kids and watch them have a blast where I used to swim. I don't think that they have changed the pool at all in 25 years!

We visited the Jerome Stake pioneer games. My cousin Brian and his wife Megan were in charge of the games and they did an outstadind job! My husband and I thought it was interesting that we had to go out of Utah to participate in some really fun pioneer day activities!

Real handcarts! Andrew liked the ride about as much as he liked the boats a the carnival! Jason was right in his element as he helped Logan "Lasso the log"

This picture turned out awesome. I snapped as the Tomahawk was in mid-air.
It only took Jason and Logan 27 seconds to cut the log! WOW!!!
Potato sack races. Logan had a ball.

Drew was so mad when he had to get back into the car seat for the ride home. Poor kid!

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